Monday 19 March 2012

Product Placement.

I went to Sainsbury's, who could be a possible distributor for my magazine product, and placed my front cover amongst other pop magazine to test its marketability. Some existing pop magazine that you can see in the image are totp, shout and bliss. I wanted to see whether my magazine would fit in with the existing pop magazines, and wanted to see whether or not it is eye catching and stands out from the existing ones. By looking at the image on the right, I believe that my magazine stands out quite a lot, I really like the fact that I used a white background and think this helps to make the cover look very clear and interesting. I think that it looks fairly good, and fits well with the existing pop magazines. The masthead is very clear and stands out a lot. I think I have a very suitable colour scheme for my product and like the fact that I added a bit of yellow to my page. It brightens it up slightly and helps to attract people to my magazine even more. Overall, I think that my magazine works well and I am happy with my market research and comparisons with the other pop magazines.

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