Sunday 25 March 2012

Evaluation Question 5...

How did you attract your audience?
Here is a video of me talking about some ways in which I have attracted my audience in my 3 pages. I went back to my questionnaire results that I carried out at the beginning of the year and have talked about how I took the results of my target audience into consideration:

Throughout the creation of my pages, I have been getting lots of feedback from my target audience of ways in which I could improve my documents firther. This slideshow shows how my pages hav developed:
Qu 5
View more presentations from Kaylee1234.
Below I have created a quick animation of some feedback that I got from my target audience. The member of my target audience that I got feeback from did not want to be filmed and therefore, I decided to write down her responses and then put it into this animation: Magazine Feedback. by KayleeH1234

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

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