Sunday, 25 March 2012

Evaluation Question 5...

How did you attract your audience?
Here is a video of me talking about some ways in which I have attracted my audience in my 3 pages. I went back to my questionnaire results that I carried out at the beginning of the year and have talked about how I took the results of my target audience into consideration:

Throughout the creation of my pages, I have been getting lots of feedback from my target audience of ways in which I could improve my documents firther. This slideshow shows how my pages hav developed:
Qu 5
View more presentations from Kaylee1234.
Below I have created a quick animation of some feedback that I got from my target audience. The member of my target audience that I got feeback from did not want to be filmed and therefore, I decided to write down her responses and then put it into this animation: Magazine Feedback. by KayleeH1234

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Evaluation Question 4....

Who would be the audience for your media product?
Below is a mind map showing who the audience for my products would be. To sum up the mind map audience for my magazine is teenage girls ranging from the ages 10-17, they would be into all the chart music, keep up-to-date, fun, socialable, love going to concerts and love a range of pop music artists.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3...

Distribution Comic Strip...

Below is a quick comic strip, I created it to show the progress through from creating my magazine, distributing my magazine and people consuming my magazine...

Monday, 19 March 2012

Product Placement.

I went to Sainsbury's, who could be a possible distributor for my magazine product, and placed my front cover amongst other pop magazine to test its marketability. Some existing pop magazine that you can see in the image are totp, shout and bliss. I wanted to see whether my magazine would fit in with the existing pop magazines, and wanted to see whether or not it is eye catching and stands out from the existing ones. By looking at the image on the right, I believe that my magazine stands out quite a lot, I really like the fact that I used a white background and think this helps to make the cover look very clear and interesting. I think that it looks fairly good, and fits well with the existing pop magazines. The masthead is very clear and stands out a lot. I think I have a very suitable colour scheme for my product and like the fact that I added a bit of yellow to my page. It brightens it up slightly and helps to attract people to my magazine even more. Overall, I think that my magazine works well and I am happy with my market research and comparisons with the other pop magazines.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Final Cover

After carrying out the question below, I added up a tally to see which cover was the most popular with my target audience. Both the bottom two covers were equal winners of the question, it was thought that in those two, the pink masthead makes the magazine stand out a lot more. I decided to go with number 3. This is because I thought that the dark grey and blue cardigan in it stood out a lot more than the grey jumper in the other. Also, in my double page spread my model is wearing the grey jumper, so in order for my three pages to be more varied I went along with number 3. I also made some slight changes to my cover, when talking to my target audience they believed that some yellow needed to be added to the page so that it links better with the other two. So, I have added a yellow cirle and changed a little bit of the font to being yellow...

Deciding upon my final magazine front cover...

To help me decide upon my magazine cover, I created this question on the right. They're all very similar with just slight differences. I can't decide which one I should choose, so am going round and asking my target audience what they think. Hopefully, by doing this it'll help me decide and I will go along with what my target audience believe is the best one. I have decided to ask my target audience as they would be the people who would be buying my magazine, I am trying to get lots of different peoples opinions, instead of just my own, on which one out of the four everyone prefers. I will carry out a tally to see which one proves to be the most popular.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

1st draft of DPS

Here is my first draft for my DPS. I got some feedback of the good and bad aspects of my page...
The good points were that:
-very colourful
-eye catching image
-good lure ('exclusive')
The bad points were that:
-check spelling and grammar
-add a bubble behind 'debut album out now'
-change layout so writing isn't cut in half

The main point that I need to take on board from the feedback is the layout. At the moment, the text would be cut in half so I need to somehow alter this. It doesn't have the conventions of a DPS because of this issue so I need to think of ways in which I can alter this. I will make all the necessary changes to my page.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The Big 4

Here is a slideshow presentation on the 'big 4' major music producers of the last 10 years...